Tuesday 15 July 2014

Be Beautiful @ Head Dalkey!

             Make Me Beautiful! 

Shauna Penney our resident hair expert shares a lovely storey and gives us some vital tips to boot!! 

A few years ago I had a lovely client and when she came into the salon and I asked her how she wanted her hair done she would say "just make me beautiful!" So I would say; "Ok lady but what would you like me to do?" The reply was always; "Just beautiful!"

I used to think wow how clever, fantastic and what a great way to let the expert do their job! 

That is the trick and that's what we hairdressers are here for! It is to make you look and feel beautiful not the reverse!

Another tip is to tell the expert what you do not like aswell.

So whether it's 'just beautiful' or anything else. All ya gotta do is ask!

Shauna xxx

If you have any hair related questions you would like Shauna to answer email us at info@foreverfabulous.ie 

Head Hair Dalkey
Fb: https://m.facebook.com/headhairtherapy
t: @shaunahair 

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